Accessing Shared Library - Zotero Groups

When a library is shared privately among group members, is it copied over to their hard drives (if the Data Directory is set as default) after they accept the invitation or is the data streamed directly from Zotero servers?

Thank you so much in advance!
  • I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "copied over to their hard drives".

    If they join the group, their Zotero will sync down the data from Zotero servers.

    If you're asking about file syncing, there's an option to have Zotero only download files as needed rather than downloading all files at sync time.
  • I'm a newbie, would appreciate clarification:

    Under File Syncing, the first option says "Sync attachment files in My Library using Zotero storage".

    If this is checked off, does that mean all my files are replicated both on my hard drive and Zotero storage for group use?

    If I set "download files only as needed", when I share with a group, a file will be downloaded to a group member's hard drive only when requested?

    The second option is "Sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage".

    Checked off, this means the files in the Zotero library of every group member are replicated both on their hard drives and in Zotero storage?

    The Zotero storage quota for the group is that of the group "owner"?

    How do I set up data syncing for a group with NO file download, therefore no extra demand on Zotero storage? Can share files in other ways.

  • 1. Note that "My Library" and "Groups" are completely separate sync settings. The former refers to your personal library (under "My Library") the latter to groups you are a member of.

    2. If you have the options to use Zotero for file storage checked, then yes, all files will be stored both on your local machine and on the Zotero server. (you can set this separately for your personal library and for groups). Your settings don't impact other group members.

    3. Download as needed/at sync time is a local setting for you on a specific machine. It does not affect other users/group members or even yourself on a different computer. Otherwise it does what you describe.
    The Zotero storage quota for the group is that of the group "owner"?
    How do I set up data syncing for a group with NO file download, therefore no extra demand on Zotero storage? Can share files in other ways.
    The group owner can disable file sharing for a group in the group settings online (i.e. on
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