Umgang mit Feldfunktion geändert [Zitation "Universität Bremen - Institut für Politikwissenschaft"]

Liebe zotoro-community,

wir bearbeiten gemeinsam ein word Dokument und nutzen zotero (Zitationsstil Universität Bremen - Institut für Politikwissenschaft).
Im Moment arbeiten wir viel mit dem Modus "Änderungen nachverfolgen". Hierbei passiert es öfters, dass bei allen zotero zitationen die Formatänderung "Feldfunktion geändert" erscheint und manche Zitationen aber auch komplett "zerschossen werden", und gar nicht mehr richtig angezeigt werden.
Wir haben schon das automatische aktualisieren von zotero ausgeschaltet, aber es ist trotzdem sehr unschön. Hat irgend jemand eine Idee, wie wir damit umgehen können, so dass wir nicht ständig bereits erstellte zitationen im Dokument neu anlegen müssen?
Herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße,
  • When the “field codes” for the citations are shown when using track changes, then just click to Accept the change twice to accept the changed field codes and hide them again. If the field code for a citation stays for some reason after clicking Accept twice, right click on it and then select Toggle Field Codes.
  • I really do not understand this solution at all. What is the trick here? I have been fighting with this problem a long time now...
  • You'd have to be a bit more specific about what's not clear. Do you not understand what bwiernik is saying (in which case: what exactly isn't clear?) or do you not think it's a satisfactory solution?
  • Sorry, I try again.

    1. "When the “field codes” for the citations are shown" Is this an option? Where can I find it? In the add-on of word?

    2. "then just click to Accept the change twice to accept the changed field codes and hide them again" How can I accept these "twice". I have never heard of this funktion. I can only accept once.

    3. If I "Toggle Field Codes" the whole citation goes berserk and I have to accept changes and then toggel again.

    After all is this a item for item solution (which would be very unsatisfatory); or is there a document solution?

    Thanks for your help...


  • The solution is item-by-item; other then accepting all changes, I don't think there is a document solution.

    I'm not clear if I understand what happens when you accept changes -- does that fix everything or is something still amiss? If so, what exactly?
  • edited April 14, 2020
    Thank you. As I 'am working with other authors regularily the track changes function is vital; as is Zotero to build a common database for an article, or else. Therfore, the "changed unknown field function" message is quite annoying. A item-by-item solution is not really helpful. Sometimes you leave the changes for others to see; and those Zotero related, completely meaningless changes are a distraction. Especially with authors who are not familiar with Zotero. And any peculiarity seems to scare people away--and then they do not use the program at all (the willingness to cope with hick-ups is often very low).

    My question would be, what is causing the message to appear (word, I guess) and can I prevent this?
  • The message appears because something does change in the Field (it has to for the citation to update) and Word notices. I don't think you can tell Word to ignore changes in fields during track changes.

    At some point in the past, Zotero tried to disable track changes while updating citations, but I don't think that worked well, so I'm not aware of any solution, I'm afraid. I guess you could manually disable track changes when inserting citations?
  • ...I can, however, if you forget to switch track changes off -- and only with a tiny little change -- you get dozens of messages... Thanks anyway
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