Importing BetterBibTex citation keys into Overleaf

edited May 28, 2019
I have been using BetterBibTex to rename my citation keys in line with the Google Scholar format and that used by my team members, and would like to use the automatic integration between Zotero and Overleaf to import my library into a shared LaTex file without needing to pick out specific references.

However, whenever I do so, the .bib file imported into Overleaf uses the standard Zotero citation keys ({author}_{firsttitle}_{year}) rather than the custom citation keys from BetterBibTex. Is there any way to use these custom keys when linking my library to Overleaf?

  • Several ways in fact:

    * If you pin the citekeys in BBT (you can pin them in bulk), they'll show up in Overleaf
    * You can use BBT auto-export and get them to Overleaf using their Dropbox sync
    * You can use BBT auto-export and get them to Overleaf using their git support
  • Ah - I did not know about the pinning, but that was a simple fix. Thank you!
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