1 standalone note in all collections? Is there a faster way to do it?

edited May 22, 2019
The problem
I have a standalone note that has the zotero://select hyperlink to all the most important collections in my library, this is vital to rapidly moving from collection to another as my library grows. Yet, as it does, I find myself spending more and more time putting that note in many different collections.

The way I use it is go to one collection, drops some items there/find what I was looking for and go to the first item in the collection/just focus on the item pane to jump to another. Is really fast, it works really well, and it saves a lot of time long term compared to the alternative to have a main collection to save items first to later organize.

Solutions I have so far
1) Manually putting the note in collections (slow at first, but the fastest long term).
2) Going to the collection pane and jump to the the library view or to another collection (is getting slower a difficult this gets)
3) A sticky note (in another program) with the link to the note (it works but not ideal since I already use many of them for different things)
4) Edit that note in another window and jump to collections from there (quite tricky since I already use multiple windows in zotero for my workflow)

1) I there a faster way or a way to put that standalone note in all collections?

Thank you for any answers! the ones in the past have been really helpful
  • I honestly would store these links outside of Zotero, such as in the Notes or OneNote app. Then use Cmd-Tab (MAC) or Alt-Tab (Windows) to quickly switch between Zotero and your Notes app.
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