Style request: Austrian Journal of Development Studies - JEP

It would be great if you could include the following style in the Zotero Style Repository:

ISSN (print version): 0258-2384
E-ISSN (online version): 2414-3197

In-text citation:
(Campbell/Pedersen 2007)
(Mares 2001)

Works Cited:

Campbell, John L./Pedersen, Ove K. (2007): The varieties of
capitalism and hybrid success. In: Comparative Political Studies 40(3), 307-332.

Mares, Isabela (2001): Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall, Peter A./Soskice, David (eds.): Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press, 184-213.

Freely available paper formatted with the style:

Thanks in advance!
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