EBSCOhost import missing hits

Exported 1443 results to RIS format emailed as a zip file from EBSCOhost. Only 952 were imported. No error message. This is the second time I have had this problem. Clues/fixes?
  • Would you mind sending that ZIP file (or a smaller one that demonstrates the same issue) to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
  • edited May 19, 2019
    The file you sent seems to be in EBSCOhost's own XML format, which isn't supported. It's not RIS.
  • Experiencing the same issue: Exported 2002 results to RIS format, emailed as a zip file from EBSCOhost but only 1257 were imported. In another case, I exported 552 results but only 283 were imported. I have re-tried both imports four times now, definitely in RIS format. Any advice? Would be really grateful for any hints or suggestions!
  • Same request as above
    Would you mind sending that [ZIP] file (or a smaller one that demonstrates the same issue) to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
    If you prefer not to send or you want to do some digging, the first thing to check would be how many search hits you get for "TY - " in the RIS file. Every item starts with TY - in RIS, so if you get less of those than you exported, this is an EBSCO issue we can't do anything about. If you get the full number, we'd want to investigate further why Zotero doesn't import them and probably do need the file.
  • Thanks very much for your quick help! The number of "TY -" hits was correct, so it is an EBSCO issue.

    Hopefully helpful for other people: After retrying, I discovered that the initial number of results displayed by EBSCO includes a lot of duplicates, and EBSCO seems to remove some (not all) of the duplicates for the RIS-File export, so (hopefully) this may be why the number of results is much lower there.
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