Report ID 1310272389

Citations not updating on refresh,
  • What version of Word are you running (such as 16.25)? Does it work well in a new document? Have you tried going through the document debugging instructions?
  • edited May 17, 2019
    I'm working on two different computers. Both are Apple, Word for Mac 16.23 and 16.24

    It's not working in a new document and I was not going through all of the document debugging instructions, because my document has 270 Pages...

    Last time I was "refreshing" the citations was about 1 month ago, then it works.
  • It's not working in a new document
    Can you insert citations, a bibliography and then refresh it in a new document? If not, at which step does it fail and what kind of error do you get? Could you submit another report ID after receiving the error?
  • I copied the first 80 pages in a new document, and it worked with refreshing. So I'll try the next part. I'll let you know if it works or give you details, if its not working.
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