"An error occurred while trying to export the selected file". Report ID388067462, Debug ID D77284073

Dear developers,
I am trying to export my library (File/Export library, format Zotero RDF, Export notes, Export files). Zotero exports only part of library and shows message "An error occurred while trying to export the selected file".
This problem rised after cloud overflowing and using local storage via ZotFile.
Report ID388067462, Debug ID D77284073
Sincerely, Vladislav Chalapa.
  • Does this work if you export into a folder with a shorter path? For example, a temporary folder directly in your home directory? There's a known issue where this error can occur on Windows due to a file path being too long.

    (Also, just to note, while we'll obviously want to fix this, if you're exporting this as a backup, you should instead make a proper backup of your Zotero data directory.)
  • Problem solved, thank you so much!
  • @Neekewa
    Always interesting for developers to know exactly how a problem has been solved. Please expand.
  • Exporting into a folder with a shorter path (C:/MyLibrary). Previous path: C:\Users\Acer\Documents\Э В И\Литература ЭВИ\NPEV_Library_15.05.19
    Thank you for your time and consideration!
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