exporting bib file provides absolute paths instead of relative

edited May 12, 2019
Does anyone know why upon exporting .bib file from BetterBibtex we get absolute paths like below:

month = may,
year = {2016},
file = {/home/user/ODrive/articles/pdfs/h/houthooft/2016/houthooft2016.pdf},


file = {/home/user/ODrive/articles/pdfs/a/abdelrahim/2016/abdelrahim2016.pdf}

file = {/home/user/ODrive/articles/pdfs/a/abou-moustafa/2016/abou-moustafa2016.pdf}

instead of relative ones, since I've set zotfile and indicated where pdfs live and where's the base directory.

Is it possible to get .bib file exported with relative paths?
  • It is possible using BBT (and the new release based on your comments makes it more flexible than it was)
  • (As noted on the github tracker when we discussed this, but for the benefit of others who may read this only on the Zotero forums: enabling this turns off BBTs cache, which makes BBT slower and will lock up Zotero during long-running exports)
  • Thank you @emilianoeheyns for your prompt response, appreciate it!
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