Why does my bibliography format like this?

For some reason my bibliography has huge spaces between the lines within the same reference, why is it like the one here and how do I fix it:

Girodo, M. (1985). Health and legal issues in undercover narcotics investigations:

Misrepresented evidence. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 3(3), 299–308.



Girodo, M. (1985). Health and legal issues in undercover narcotics investigations: Misrepresented evidence. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 3(3), 299–308.
  • Also, the second and third line in the first example are usually indented, but it wouldn't allow me to indent.
  • edited May 12, 2019
    It looks like you are using APA style, which specifies that the bibliography should be double spaced with hanging indent (second and third and subsequent lines indented). Zotero is formatting that style correctly.

    What style are you intending to use? What journal or publisher is this for?
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