TOXNET citations import
Hi all,
is there a way to import a list of citations from TOXNET into Zotero? Unfortunately, I haven´t figured that out so far. The browser tool only shows the option to import a "web page without snapshot"
Thank you in advance!
is there a way to import a list of citations from TOXNET into Zotero? Unfortunately, I haven´t figured that out so far. The browser tool only shows the option to import a "web page without snapshot"
Thank you in advance!
Maybe I overlooked something?
With the exception of Toxline, none of the other databases provide records that contain metadata. Some of the other databases provide a way to export the webpage as a plain-text or a pdf file; but not in any citation format. The webpage headers do not contain search engine metadata.
The Toxline database contains journal articles but it doesn’t provide an easy way to capture article metadata (other than in a pseudo-Medline tagged format but with somewhat different tags). Each Toxline record contains a link to the article record on PubMed where you can capture the metadata. (Or, if you are using Toxnet - Toxline to find journal articles, you could instead use PubMed which has a more powerful search system.)
The other Toxnet databases provide record output material as a webpage in several formats: consumer fact-sheet-like documents, chemical specification sheets, custom geographic maps, dictionary definitions, etc.
When I have referenced materials from one of the databases I have used the Zotero webpage cite type and I added additional relevant information by hand — sometimes with additional hand-editing in the bibliography after the Zotero field codes have been removed.