Changing font size of certain categories


Quick question: is it possible to only change the font style of certain categories in the code editor, as opposed to all of the categories (which I know how it works)? Is there a specific pre- or suffix that I can use to only change the font size of the title or author for instance?

Thank you very much for your help.

  • I don't quite follow the question. You're modifying a citation style and you want to set, say, just the authors in italics? That's certainly possible, yes, but that's just the standard way font-style works, so I feel like I'm missing part of the question.
  • Thank you for your quick reply!

    I was wondering whether it was possible to change the font size of only certain categories. I am sorry for the confusion.

    For example:

    Title (font size: 12)
    Author (font size: 10)


    I hope this helps.

  • No, sorry, citation styles don't include font size as something you can change, neither as a whole nor for individual elements.
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