Zotero experienced an error updating your document [report ID 1556201275-56949]

I updated Zotero today on a Windows 10 desktop running 2016 word and now receive this error message when I try to add/edit citations. It shows on all documents, including new ones. I have run through this link [https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/debugging_broken_documents] up to point 8 non-inclusive (as it affects all documents, it's evidently not a single citation issue). I've already restarted the whole computer on the offchance it was that; no luck.

I would be very grateful if anyone might know what is causing this, please.

Thank you!
  • edited April 25, 2019
    @shopkins04 This is a Jurism installation?

    (Edit: Definitely a Jurism install, I have the report ID log here. Will respond shortly.)
  • The version of Jurism that is installed on your system had a bad version of the word processor integration plugin. The current version is 5.0.66m52. You should be able to upgrade further from "Help" -> "Check for updates". If that doesn't work, reinstall from https://juris-m.github.io/downloads, and word processor integration should work correctly again.
  • My apologies for mistaking the program! Thank you very much for your response, however - I will do as you suggest next time I log onto that computer.
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