Lost citations

With reasonable frequency, I will get an error from Zotero and most citations in a Google Doc will stop syncing. This happens to me so often that I always keep my citations formatted with Last name / Year so that I can re-link my Zotero citations. This is from both Linux and OS X clients using Chrome. What can I do to stop this problem?
  • What error do you get? What do you mean by "stop syncing"?
  • Sorry, it's taken me quite awhile to get any better clarity on my problem. It seemed to happen at random.

    When I am using Zotero with Google Docs, I find that Zotero sometimes seems to "forget" about my citations within portions of the text, and they go back to being simply text without a Zotero linkage. It never happens throughout the whole document, always just in sub-regions of the text.

    I tested whether it was related to copying/pasting (no problem there).

    My current observation is that this seems to happen more frequently (but by no means always) in portions of the text that have reviewer comments.

    So, at a high level: sometimes, Zotero stops being "aware" of some of my citations within a text and they revert back to being plain text. I think I have found one behavior (adding comments to the text) that makes this more likely. I haven't found any behavior that reproduces this observation every time.

    It's a frequent enough occurrence that I never convert my Zotero citations into numeric citations until I am ready to publish.
  • As an update, I have found that if I am very careful to not have the same document open in multiple tabs, then this almost never happens.
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