Error message in Google Scholar

Hi, I'm reposting this because I never recevied a response to the first. Does anyone have any insight into why this is happening?

I have been consistently running into an issue with Google Scholar over the past few days when I try to dowload only the citations (in those cases when no pdf is available). I am using Chrome on a Windows system.

I get the following error message:

This site can’t be reached The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Then, it downloads the cite into my library anywhere from two to four times in succession. Is this a bug or do I need to delete and reload the extension?
  • (Better to just post again in your old post if you think it's been overlooked to avoid duplicates)

    You're very likely seeing a version of , though I'm not quite sure why you'd see the multiple entries into Zotero.
  • In reading that, I'm not seeing similarities between the two. However, thanks for getting back.
  • The similarities are that you appear to be using google scholar citation export heavily, we've seen lots of ways in which google is restricting what its algorithm interprets as automated downloads, and you're getting an error in downloading citation data.

    In general, though, this doesn't sound like it has much to do with Zotero. The error message is from google scholar, not Zotero, and the multiple imports are almost certainly multiple citation files downloaded, so also coming from google scholar.

    You're aware that you can also import from google scholar via the Save to Zotero icon?
  • Yes, and I alway use the Zotero extension when there is a PDF attached. For simple cites, I've just gotten used to using the " under the cite as saving a click. However, I often forget that I can group-load from the icon on the Scholar listing. Thanks for the reminder.
  • edited April 8, 2019
    @adamsmith There is something else involved. I've experienced this ("The webpage at..." error message followed by 2 or 3 or more rapid downloads of the metadata and Zotero record creations) with Cambridge University Press and APA PsycNet (and maybe other) sites. This has happened quite a few times over the past year or so. It can occur the first time I've visited the publisher's site after several days or after downloading metadata for several articles. I can revisit the sites' other article pages immediately and successfully (normally) import metadata of other articles in the same volume/issue. It seems to have nothing related to the PsycNet photo-Captcha robot test. In all cases I am downloading individual items and not capturing multiple ticked items from a search results list or table of contents. I am not requesting PDFs. I import metadata of roughly 300-400 articles each day and this curiosity occurs once every 2 or 3 weeks. Thus, except for the downloading of the same thing several times with only one (seemingly failed) attempt it has always seemed to be an issue outside of Zotero due a peculiar response of the publishers' servers. (I can't imagine why/how Zotero might send rapid repeated requests for the same item.) For my purposes, it is at most a minor inconvenience. I mention my experience because I'm only recently able to easily capture metadata from PsycNet pages and perhaps something that changed with Zotero or with the APA site might be a clue to this. I've not directly downloaded metadata from GS in years, (but clicked through to publishers) so I cannot comment on this related to GS.
  • This sounds right on, since I haven't seen this crop up on other sites.
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