Error 1101585118 - please restart Firefox

I've been running into this error a lot these last few days. From the log, it looks like a problem with my webdav server, but (1) I'm nowhere near the storage limit and (2) there are no error messages logged there.
  • You're referring to a message in the middle pane of Zotero saying that an error occurred?

    If so, what are you doing in Zotero when (and immediately before) this happens? Does it happen if you disable file syncing in the Sync pane of the Zotero prefs? If you disable auto-sync entirely?
  • Yes, it is in the middle pane. I was trying to delete a reference, and it was syncing to webdav. I'll turn off autosync and see if it comes back.

    Thanks :)
  • Dan,
    It doesn't crash if I'm only syncing to Zotero server, but does crash when I file sync to my webdav server and do anything at all to my library (add tag, delete, rename attachment based on metadata).

    I checked the database integrity and it said it was fine. Anything else I can do to fix this?

  • If you could generate an error with debug output enabled and send the output to with a link to this thread, we should be able to figure out what's going on.
  • On its way to you.
  • This should be fixed in 2.0b6, available now. It occurred if you had a file conflict on an attachment with tags.
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