Collection moved to a new group and Zotero Word Plugin breaks down - how to proceed?

I had to move my Zotero entries from one group collection to another.

Now the Word plugin in existing document with 50+ citations is broken (I cannot insert anything, get error). All field codes are still active, just point to a non-existing group.

Is unlinking the document and re-inserting everything the only way to go forward? I was hoping updating the group number in the fieldcodes would do the trick but it seems that item IDs are different as well :-(

Oh well, those hard-learned lessons...

Thanks for any help (or compassion :-) )
  • You should be able to keep inserting citations in this document. The only problem you would have is if you wanted to update item metadata (authors, titles, dates, etc.) in Zotero -- the cited items in the doc would not update. Could you submit a Report ID and describe what error you are seeing?
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