CSL error when trying to add new citation

Good morning,
I'm getting the following error:
Zotero experienced an error updating your document:
CSL Error
TypeError: this.registry.citationreg.citationByID[c[0]] is undefined.
atarray citationsPre index0, from citation at document position 20

I have it so I can see all my citations and they are shaded in gray. This is a new citation I'm trying to add. It's in my library and I have Zotero open. I've updated Zotero and refreshed it this morning, ensuring I've selected APA 6 as my citation.

Not sure what else to do. This document has been edited by others, and I saved it under a new name so I could do my edits.

I'll send a copy of the document and screen shot to support at Zotero.com. Of course, this only happens when I'm pressed for time, so a prompt reply would be most appreciated.

  • You can most likely fix this by accepting all tracked changes and/or copying the document contents to a new document and resuming work there. We would very much appreciate if you could send a broken copy of the document to support@zotero.org (not .com) with a link to this thread. If you can trim down the broken document to a smaller version while maintaining the error that is fine too.
  • @mgh10100 We have looked at the file you sent us and cannot reproduce the citeproc problem. Could you open that copy of the document, restart Zotero and confirm that you still get that error? If you do, does it happen regardless of where you try to insert a citation?
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