Word Citation

When inserting a multi source citation I often move sources to the right box (included sources) in an order different than I would like them included in the text. While it may be possible to reorder them some other way it would be very useful if the user could actively change the order of the sources in the right box when adding or editing a multi source item. It doesn't matter if its a drag and drop functionality or promotion/demotion of a highlighted item. This would dramatically improve usability.

It would also be nice if the user could select to have multi source items automatically order themselves to conform to the order the sources have already been added included in the manuscript. I realize this second functionality is probably already on your list of things to do. I think the priority of the simpler fix, manage the order of the right box in the multi source window, is more important.

Right now I'm using Zotero to cite an article manuscript I'm working on but I'm still using EndNote to cite a review article I'm working on mainly because of the need for the functionality mentioned above to sanely manage 200+ sources that are cited multiple times. I hope I can use Zotero next time I write a review article.

Thanks for all the great work your tool is amazing,
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