Autostart zotero from MS Word when adding citation?

Feature request: add an option to automatically run Zotero when adding/editing citation from MS Word (or any other word processor).

At present, if you don't have Zotero running it brings up the error "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure Zotero is running and try again". If the same thing happens with other citation managers e.g. EndNote, then it automatically runs the program so that you don't have to.

A minor but irritating break in workflow that would seem to be easily fixed!


  • This would be #amazing. This is precisely what I came here seeking. I would like to have Zotero autostart either when I turn on the computer or when I want to add a citation but forget to open the program first. Either option would be very helpful.

    Thank you!
  • You can set up applications to open on startup -- should be easy enough to google, but we can also tell you how if ytell us which operating system you are on
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