error when downloading the pdf file after firefox actualisation to version 66


I've been using zotero for years without any problem but since last week, after firefox actualised to version 66, it is now impossible to download the pdf file using the "save to zotero" button of the zotero Firefox browser.

Could you help me to resolve this issue please?

Debug ID: D85651247

  • We've just pushed out version 5.0.55 of the Zotero Connector for Firefox, which should fix this. Update to that and let us know if you still have any trouble.
  • hi,

    thanks for your rapid answer. I reinstalled zotero connector for firefox but I still have the same problem.

    debug ID: D1329268458

  • That Debug ID is from Zotero. Can you provide one from the Zotero Connector?
  • here is the Debug ID from the Zotero Connector

    Debug ID is D169853402.

  • Well, first, that's a different issue — that's for saving from an article page, and it looks like there may be some sort of conflict with your proxy server. The thing that was broken in Firefox 66, and which we fixed in 5.0.55, was saving a PDF directly.

    I assume saving an article with a PDF works on, say, this page?
  • yes, there is not problem to download the pdf file without using zotero conector.

    the fact is that when I press the button "save to zotero" I only save the reference in my library and not the pdf file.

    here is another example
    Debug ID is D840807777
  • edited March 24, 2019
    No, I'm not talking about saving without the Zotero Connector. I'm saying that 1) clicking Save to Zotero when viewing a PDF directly was broken in Firefox 66 before Zotero Connector 5.0.55, and it was my understanding that that's what you were reporting originally, and 2) you'll almost certainly get a PDF when you use Save to Zotero on the arXiv page I linked to.

    I think the problem saving a PDF from a ScienceDirect article page is just a problem with the ScienceDirect translator, probably from a recent ScienceDirect change and unrelated to Firefox 66. We'll work on a fix.
  • I confirm that the issue comes when I try to save the reference+pdf file from the elsevier article page.

    Ok, I hope you manage to fix it.

    thanks for your answers
  • OK, this should now be fixed — and is for me. Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences.

    (The issue here was that Zotero was trying to send ScienceDirect download URLs through your proxy server, but that's not necessary and in fact breaks them. I've disabled that proxying in the ScienceDirect translator, which fixes the problem for me (hopefully without causing any problems for others, though ScienceDirect is a complicated site with a lot of different ways of presenting pages, so we'll see).)
  • I updated translators and reboot zotero and firefox but I it still have the same problem.

    Debug ID is D392481955.
  • It looks like the earlier update didn't go through properly for everyone. Try again now.
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