handling page numbers that are hyphenated
I have a report which in which the page numbers are not 1, 2, 3, 4 but 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, etc... When I enter 4-1 Zotero is formatting it as if it is a page range instead of a single page. How can I get Zotero to format it as if it was a single page.
Wonder if this is something to have the development team look at, since many reports and texts have this (especially LARGE-HUGE documents)
Zotero would need some injection options in the different .bib fields (similar to https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/rich_text_bibliography ). For example, I spent hours today trying to force a capital letter in "3D" for various titles without any success. The 'Title Case' option simply disregards "3D" and forgets to place any curly braces around such term (for unknown reasons). Having an injection method would help so much. Naturally, such methods could open a backdoor to security risks.
since this has literally been asked about twice in 10+ years, it's not like anyone has spent much time thinking about design for or adding support for it.
You can post-process bibtex export using the BetterBibTeX add-on, though, so that might well give you what you need.
You can likely also convince its developer to add support for the backslash escaping if it doesn't work already.
I've also just tried BetterBibTex and it actually makes things worse (the "-" are all "-" instead of "--" which I would need to change in thousands of entries).
I'll try my luck with the devs.