Help with style editing

I'm using the Dutch version of the APA 6th edition, but run into a problem.
Whenever I cite a source with three or more authors, it formats the citation as such:

(Floor, van Raaij, & Bouwman, 2015)

How do I remove this comma? I can't make heads or tales of the style editing tool.
  • You need to copy and rename the style code file ("apa.csl" from the Zotero/styles folder on your computer) in order to create your custom style. Open the new file in a text editor, rename the style there (within the first code lines):
    <title>American Psychological Association 6th edition (CUSTOM)</title>

    In this new file, search for all the "name" code lines of the author, contributor, editor ... macros, e.g.:
    <name and="symbol" initialize-with=". " delimiter=", "/>
    Insert delimiter-precedes-last="never" into these codes
    Like that:
    <name and="symbol" initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
    Save the code file, restart Zotero, and add this new style.
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