Format a citation as Authorname (Year) versus (Authorname Year)

Hi, sometimes I want to include a citation as, for example, Smith (2007) rather than inside parentheses (Smith 2007). What's the best way to approach this in Zotero?

I am happy writing it manually so long as I get it in the bibliography - but if this is the only citation to that resource in the paper, I don't want to break the link and have it go away if that makes sense.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  • If you open a citation with Zotero for editing and click on its first item bubble, you will see a "Suppress Author" tick-box. You can use that to reduce the citation to just the year in parens. Then write the author name in the text by hand. The item will be included in the bibliography.
  • Perfect! Thanks very much for resolving.
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