Customizable drag & drop export?

I use a trick for google doc. It is a simple trick but works great I think based on HTML.

<"A src="{{Bibliographic here}}#{{DOI here}}">{{Citation here}} <"/A>

when I drag drop this to google drive it give me a link like "(AAA, 2018)".
good part is when focus on this link with mouse I can either open scholar with Bibliographic or drag drop link in google doc for a second time as link like this "{{Bibliographic here}}#{{DOI here}}".

All all need is "CTRL+H" "" to "" at the end. or some simple script.

is it possible something like this, a Customizable export option for quick copy?
  • Not an answer to your question, but Zotero provides proper Google Docs integration, like the one in Word if you install the Zotero Connector for your browser.
  • I don't think it's possible, because you'd have to be able to set the content-type of the drag, and AFAIK it's always set to text-plain for exports. You can export (and drag) the link, but it'd show up as HTML-text in your doc.
  • edited March 19, 2019
    adomasven I am just wandering is it possible to use more creative way. With customization export it has more use and easy of use

    emilianoeheyns: you can copy&paste or drag&drop or selectText&drag&drop text and link from any web page to google doc(with style). it is quite same as Export as HTML. google doc convert it to styled text.

  • Really? In my experience it would just insert <a href="...">...</a>. The href part would be converted to a link, but I took it you'd rather not see the <a> part.
  • edited March 19, 2019
    Sorry for the confusion. What I mean if you copy from a HTML page; google doc takes it with style, href and all. If Copy paste from a text file; source and result won't be much different like you said.

    I mean this <"A src="{{Bibliographic here}}#{{DOI here}}">{{Citation here}} <"/A> as {{Citation here}}
  • But that's my point -- if you copy from a HTML page, your browser tells the OS "the stuff the user copied is HTML", so when a program pastes, it can see this and go "OK I see this text, but I should treat it as markup". Zotero tells the OS on behalf of the translators "the stuff the user copied is plain text", so when you paste it, it is as if you typed it manually. The translators themselves can't do anything about this.
  • I drag&drop my name from this page to google doc while zotero disabled. There is link in google doc its text is "ynsd" and its href is "". When I put my focus on it, it shows href as pop up. I can click or drag&drop that pop up for a second time. Both text and link will be "". Is it any different for you?
  • I think we're talking about different things. I thought you were talking about drag and drop from zotero, using a translator to generate the output (which is what quick copy does). Drag and drop from non-zotero can put whatever they want on the drag "clipboard', translators can only put plain text there. That it works from other programs means that it's technically possible (which it is), but translators still cannot do it without changes in Zotero to the translator framework.
  • is it possible with an add-on? I can try to make one, but don't know where to start or is it possible.
  • Technically? Probably. Sensibly? Don't know. You'd have to monkey patch the translator framework to detect your translator, and to modify what zotero puts in the drag buffer. It's not the easiest way to get started with zotero plugins.
  • okay, thanks. I have another trick with spreadsheets which work mobile to. I will resume from csv then.
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