Obstructive scroll bars in right panel


I've wondered about this before. If the panel side panel is too large, the intermittently appearing scroll bars can obscure buttons, e.g. when adding authors or during a merge:

Authors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16p3w_24m49fHDZhU5hohm4-dxnumHVAt/view?usp=sharing

Merge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j2UlMQzafZ8qmD34IfV39xQq0JBCWDpL/view?usp=sharing

Of course, I can see that the intermittent scrollbars have to appear somewhere, so maybe there's no good solution. The workaround is to hold the mouse still so that the bars disappear, and then to edit. Though it did take me a little while of frustration before I worked this out :).
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