Trouble translating from the American Chemical Society website

Hello all,

I am finding "Could not store item" error trying to store some items from the ACS website, from previous issues (recent issues seem to translate OK). For example:
will give that error on any item in the page.
Tried actualizing translators, reseting etc. as advised, no luck.
I am using Zotero 2.0b5 on ff 3.0.11, win XP x64 (2003) SP2
  • I am not entirely sure what the problem is with back issues. As a work around you can click the download citation button and select export to Endnote. Zotero will intercept the export and add the item and its full data to your collection.
  • OK, it works, thanks
    Anyway, it could also be added from dabases such as Scopus, but one has to do another step to add the pdf.
  • The following fix works for me. Change
    var downloadFileName = text.match(/name=\"downloadFileName\"
    intovar downloadFileName = text.match(/name=\"downloadFileName\"
  • It works! Thanks Rintze
  • Hi,

    I am finding again trouble with the ACS website, particularly with Environmental Science and Technology. For example, this page:
    raises "Could not store item" even with the translator edited as reported by Rintze on June 27th. I am using ff 3.5.1 (with third-party cookies enabled), zotero 2.0b6.3 on win XP sp3.
    By the way, the translator downloaded from is not modified adding "\." as above, why?

    Thanks all for this very useful complement.

  • Thanks for the note. It looks like the translator needs to be expanded to support a wider range of URLs. For the time being just remove the question mark and everything after it.

    Ticket created:
  • OK, thanks
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