Style Request: EM:RAP GO

Can someone help me create this reference style for an online textbook? It is based on AMA with 2 major exceptions. Citations are (firstauthorlastname, year) instead of numbers. The bibliography needs to be in alphabetical order and needs a link to the PMID. I added fake PMID to the references below.

Here is a link to the online style documentation:

In-text citation:
(Campbell, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)

1. Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp Polit Stud. 2007;40(3):307-332.
2. Mares I. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall PA, Soskice D, eds. Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001:184-213.

Thanks so much for the help.
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