Change style ob Bibliography but not in Citations

Hi there,
can I change the style of the bibliography without changing the style of the citations?
Thank you
  • This would require editing (or picking a correct) CSL style. What style are you currently using and what do you want to change to?
  • (For a one-off, you can also work around it: Change to the style you want bibliography from, copy bibliography to new document & unlink citations, change back to the style where the citations are right, delete bibliography, copy the unlinked one over. But obviously this is rather involved if you'll want to do this more than once)
  • bwiernik: I am using MLA 8th ed., which only shows the publishing house in the bibliography and I need to include the place.

    adamsmith: That also works! Thanks.
  • For that style, that's an easy enough fix.
    You want to change the publisher macro to something like this:

    <macro name="publisher">
    <group delimiter", ">
    <text variable="publisher"/>
    <text variable="publisher-place"/>

    General instructions here:

    Make sure to change the style ID and self-link (on the top) and also the filename to something different. Otherwise it'll be overwritten.
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