Word 2019 cannot refresh references

I am using MS Word 2019 and recently encountered an annoying problem. The add-in seems to be corrupted in some way. In Word documents I can insert citations, but according references are not added in the reference list. This happens every time, I re-open an existing document. Word then behaves as if the existing quotes are not quotes, but plain text. The only thing I can do then is to insert a new libraray, but because of Word not recognizing existing quotes, the reference list consists only of the latest reference.

I tried everything and re-installed Zotero Standalone and the Word add-in. Nothing changed. I am really desperate and have to finish a paper soon.

  • The general problem seems to be that the bibliography function does not work. When I try to add/edit a bibliography, I get the following message:

    "Attempting to generate bibliography without having updated processor items".

    What should I do?
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