Uncomplete response when retrieving bibtex using API

For exemple, this simple test request gives a limited result (13 items instead of 25) :
> https://api.zotero.org/groups/2239536/items?v=3&format=bibtex

Changing to json gives the right numbers of item :
> https://api.zotero.org/groups/2239536/items?v=3&format=json

Is there a way to force a complete response in bibtex ?

thank you.
  • The JSON (and the item limit) counts attachments and notes. If you just want top level items use:
    which gets all 21 top-level items in the group
  • edited February 19, 2019
    Thank you Adam. By "items", I meant the reference items, not the metadatas attached to each reference.

    Reading further the documentation, I understand the limitation is 100 items using the parameter `limit`. Then we have to launch x times the request adding `&start=100`.

    We synchronize public zotero group with our text editor Stylo (stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca), so that users can use their Zotero made bibliography within Stylo.

    By any chance, does Zotero offers a service bypassing this limitation ?
  • The limit is standard behavior for APIs and ensures high performance and there's no way around it, no. Zotero itself works with the same limit. The Zotero API includes various functions for effectively getting all results (e.g. using link headers: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/basics#link_header ) There are also various API libraries (e.g. for python, PHP, js) exist that provide this functionality out of the box.
  • Thanks for your reactivity :+1: :rocket: :)
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