WebDav file syncing not fully working - Report ID: D1296605691

I tried to set up zotero on my work computer (MacBook Air, 2018), so as to sync with the library on my home computer (MacBook Air, 2017). Data syncing seems to operate just fine. Not all files are syncing via WebDav though. When verifying the server on both machines, everything appears to be normal. I've also done the 'reset' as described here (https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/files_not_syncing), but still only a fraction of files have synced to my new computer.
TL;DR: No syncing errors, yet only part of my files have synced via WebDav.
  • choose Reset File Sync History, generate a Debug ID for the next sync attempt
    It looks like you just provided a Debug ID for the reset operation, which doesn't do any syncing on its own.
  • Thanks. I just did a reset and sync. the new Debug ID is D1535949287

  • edited February 21, 2019
    And an attempt to open the file in question? Can you provide a separate Debug ID for that?
  • Opened one of the missing files and debug ID = D494822262
  • *tried to open.
    => also selected 'locate file' but ofcourse it wasn't to be found on my new computer
  • There's no attempt to open a file in there. Can you try again?
  • hmm, that's odd. Tried again with Debug ID D122054613.
  • You're just trying to open a linked file. Those aren't synced by Zotero, so that doesn't have anything to do with WebDAV. (This also means you didn't actually go through the Files Not Syncing page, which talk about checking the 8-character folder name of stored files against the ZIP files on the WebDAV server.)

    You can use Help → Debug Output Logging → View Output or the third-party Zutilo plugin to see the path where it's looking.
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