Automatic Indentation of Bibliography in MS Word

I have added the Zotero add-ons in my MS Word and when I use in-text citation, I can automatically see the end-text references but the reference indentation is not appearing?
  • Which citation style are you using?
  • I am using APA 6th edition.
  • Try to change to a different citation style and back. Does that fix it?
  • We've been seeing this occasionally -- the style should do this correctly and this is somehow related to the Word "bibliography" style getting overwritten -- try switching to a different style and back and see if that makes any difference.
  • edited February 17, 2019
    It works in normal word file but when I use it in the template provided by the university, the reference is not working.
  • It’s possible the template is interfering with Zotero setting the “Bibliogrpahy” Word style. Have you tried to change to a different style and back as suggested?
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