Style Request: [Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae]

edited February 15, 2019
I would like to request a sytle for Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae.

The webpage of the journal could be found here:

The author's guide could be found here:

The journal's ISSN:

Citiations in text:
MARES 2001

authors name with small capital, et al with italic, athours name separeted with &

Citation for a book:
HOPKIN, S. P. (1997): Biology of the springtails:(Insecta: Collembola). OUP Oxford, 330 pp.

Citation of an article:
CLEMENTS, A. N. & MAY, T. E. (1977): The actions of pyrethroids upon the peripheral nervous system and associated organs in the locust. – Pest Management Science 8: 661-680.

Authors' name is wirtten with small captial, the last author is separated with & symbole. Simple comas are separating the authors. Then the year comes in parentheses and a colon, then the title and a long dash, then the full name of the journal in italic. Than the volume number comes in bold, then a colon. Then the pages number comes and it is closed with a doi if there is one.

Here you could find an article with formatted text:

CAMPBELL, J. L. & K. O. PEDERSEN (2007): The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success– Comparative Political Studies 40(3): 307–332.

MARES, I. (2001): Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? - in Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, eds. P.A. HALL & D.SOSKICE, New York, 184–213.
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