?Static File Location—zotero and zotfile

edited February 12, 2019
I use `zotfile` to rename my attachments and extract annotations. When `zotfile` extracts the annotations it creates a note with hyperlinks to the document (e.g., zotero://open-pdf/library/items/2WVHWXVG?page=1).

An additional feature of the rename function is that it can also move the attachments to another location (for cloud-based sync e.g., OneDrive). However, when it does this it seems to break the hyperlink as the `../items/` is changed by `zotero`. This leads to a broken link to the original annotation in the attachment.

Is there anyway to remedy this? Can the links be fixed/corrected or is it possible to create static folders in `zotero` so that any moving (back/forth) of the attachments results in the same location and no damaged links?

Please let me know if this is not an appropriate question for this forum or if you need any more info.

  • If you first extract the annotations and then move the file I'm afraid the link will get lost and I'm not aware of any way to keep it stable or restore it, sorry.
  • No worries, thanks for your reply. I figured as much, but just thought I would ask.
  • I have encountered the same problem. Do you have a solution?
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