Problems on sync to webDAV

I switched synchronization in Zotero and webDAV was succeed to verify server, but it cannot sync to jianguoyun and PaperShip. Is there any problems on sync, like sync delaying or other problems?
  • Are you receiving a sync error in Zotero? If not, then this would be a problem with PaperShip, and you would need to contact PaperShip about that.
  • Thanks for @bwiernik . The exact problem is that my jianguoyun (a type of Cloud Storage) also failed to sync. I would try to connect PaperShip as well as jianguoyun.
  • So you are saying that the files aren't showing up on jianguoyun at all? That would typically result in a sync error in Zotero. Can you submit an Error Report ID from the Zotero help menu after syncing fails (
  • Records of sync can be seen in and Zotero did not report errors. But PaperShip and jianguoyun aren't showing up the newest data. So I wonder if it is the real time sync function cannot achieve or it is because sync delay exists.
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