How to shorten many authors to "et al." when exporting bibtex?

I want to post bibliography shorten authors (1st author only, others are shorten "et al") into pdf generated from latex.

I could get shorten a bibliographies from menu item "Create Bibliography from Items...".

However could not get .bib files shortened authors.

If the .bib cannot export, How export the .bib shorten authors into latex?

My procedure.
1. accessed
2. Load IEEE in there.
3. Changed to `et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1"`.
4. Download above as "my_ieee.csl"
5. Imported "my_ieee.csl" into Zotero from "Cite">"Style".
6. [test] I could get bibliographies shortened authors via "Create Bibliography from Items..."
7. Export into bib file. but not shorten.
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