Short form bibliography format in NLM style for presentation footers?

I'm having a tough time with this using CSL and the style editor. All I want is a modified "National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID)" style that simply does the following: 3 or more authors, use et al., no title, journal citation, and PMID.

Like taking the following full NLM bibliography style for this paper:

Summerfield SG, Stevens AJ, Cutler L, Osuna M del C, Hammond B, Tang S-P, Hersey A, Spalding DJ, Jeffrey P. Improving the in Vitro Prediction of in Vivo Central Nervous System Penetration: Integrating Permeability, P-glycoprotein Efflux, and Free Fractions in Blood and Brain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2006 Mar 1;316(3):1282–1290. PMID: 16330496

And minimizing to this:

Summerfield SG et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2006 Mar 1;316(3):1282–1290. PMID: 16330496

Can anyone help me out with this, direct me to an equivalent style, or show me how to edit the CSL for this appropriately?

  • 1. For the et-al add the following on the line starting with et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1"

    2. To remove the journal title you could just remove line 139 (<text variable="title"/> within the title macro).

    Note to also change the filename and the self-link and ID (line 5+6) to something different. Otherwise it'll be overwritten with the next update. ;)
  • These generic instructions
    may help to implement what damnation suggests.
  • Thnx for this, but in the CSL there is no line that has et-al-min or et-al-use-first.

    Removing the title macro section did work however.
  • Bingo! Got it now, thanks much damnation and adamsmith. Appreciate the quick response! So question is whether I should upload this as a style for others.
  • You can always make it available somewhere (on your website, on hastebin, via github, etc.), but I don't think we'd take this for the official repository since it's mainly a personal taste style (nothing wrong with that, but we're already >8,000 styles and if we'd take all custom styles there'd be no end of it). Thanks!
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