Document crashed somehow - help needed

Hey! I'm using Zotero since a while now and never had problems. But suddenly my document seems to have crashed! After I added a normal citation, half of my citations are not fields anymore. They now are looking like this:

( ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"jO7E7HMl","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\scaps Ministerium f\\uc0\\u252{}r Elektrotechnik und Elektronik}und {
\\scaps Stellvertreter des Ministers}: \\uc0\\u8222{}{\\i{}Protokoll \\uc0\\u252{}ber den Import einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage f\\uc0\\u252{}r den VVB Leunawerke Walter Ulbrich}\\uc0\\u8220{} 1966.","plainCitation":"Ministerium für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik und Stellvertreter des Ministers: „Protokoll über den Import einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage für den VVB Leunawerke Walter Ulbrich“ 1966.","noteIndex":54},"citationItems":[{"id":5081,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":5081,"type":"article","title":"Protokoll über den Import einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage für den VVB Leunawerke Walter Ulbrich","archive":"BArch","archive_location":"Lichterfelde","call-number":"DE 4/25374","author":[{"literal":"Ministerium für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik"},{"literal":"Stellvertreter des Ministers"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1966",1,28]]}}}],"schema":""}

instead of NEUES DEUTSCHLAND/RUSSEK: „Elektronenrechner als Helfer für eine stabile Versorgung“.

Can someone please help to fix this issue?
It would help me a lot.

thank you
  • edited January 25, 2019
    Thank you, dstillman, for your super fast answer. That would be an easy solution, unfortunately that is not the problem. Not all of the citations are shown in code, but only half of them. If I switch the view as the thread tells me, the correct one is looking like that:


    In the footnote not working, Word seems not to recognize the Zotero citation as code. Here, it looks like


    Also, previous citations seem to be in another citation style. What can I do to tell Word again that these are citations by Zotero? I will try to uninstall and reinstall the Zotero Add-In again. Perhaps that helps.
  • edited January 25, 2019
    Ok, I tried to reinstall the plugin. I removed it from the Startup folder of Word Mac, started Word Mac, closed it, put the Zotero.dotm back there again, restarted. Unfortunately, this didn't help. Also my backup file from yesterday seems to have the very same problem. It is really strange, because only footnotes 72 till 89 are effected. Further ones are correct. Also a strange effect is that for example footnote 76 is missing, but the code of footnote 75 is split between 75 and 76, replacing the footnote number of 76 with a letter of code of footnote 75. Super strange!

    Has anyone else an idea what I could do? What is the problem of my document, what happened??
  • Did you update Word recently? You should go into Zotero Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors and reinstall the Word plugin. Otherwise see if Track Changes is enabled and accept all changes if it is are.
  • edited January 26, 2019
    Thank you for your answer, @adomasven. Yes I did. But the problem occurred also beforehand. I also read about the Track Changes issue. I accepted all changes, but it didn't help.
    I will also try you suggestion of reinstalling the Word plugin the way you told me.

    Mainly, I would need the information of how to transform the text as code back into the code as a field in Word. I tried to use these brackets, but they didn't work somehow: {...
  • I'm not sure what the problem that you're facing is. Could you send the problematic snippet of the document to with a link to this thread?
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