No Zotero button in toolbar

Hi, I am unable to see the Zotero button in my toolbar anymore. I get the following error report . My report ID is 883207342
[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: Cannot read property '33' of undefined
at Object.injectScripts (chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/background.js:312:45)
at chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/background.js:251:36"]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 75 in tab 47."]

[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Most%20visited&removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page&enableMD=1&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Add%20shortcut&addLinkTooltip=Add%20shortcut&editLinkTooltip=Edit%20shortcut". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
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