Duplicating citation.

I'm writting an article and when I'm including some citation which has been cited previously, it appeared like a new citation. For example, a first citation with number 4 will appear with number 11 when I cite it again. I have no duplicated in my library, I tried citing it from "cited" and then from "my library" but it still appear like 2 differents citations. I copied and pasted it directly, with no changes. Can anybody tell me how to fix it? Thank you.
  • Which citation style? Footnote styles (like Chicago Manual) will always number consecutively. Try e.g. Vancouver style for getting the same number for the same citation.
  • adamsmith, thank you very much, I did it with the Vancouver style (previously I used Chicago manual of style) and now my citations are no more duplicated but I have a new problem. I can't see my citations at the end of my document (I know that there is no footnotes in the Vancouver style). Which style can I use that doesn't duplicate the citations and puts the citations at the end of the document? Or how can I see the citations? Thank you again.
  • You just need to insert the bibliography. Place the cursor where you want it, then click the Add/Edit Bibliography button in the Zotero tab in Word.
  • Great! Thank you both very much!
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