Style Error: Brain Behavior and Immunity

Reference types such as newspaper articles, blogs, and documents should include date and URL, but the current style does not. Can you please update the style? (I tried to update it myself, but I can't find the style in my local library.)

The journal's Guide for authors ( says: "Web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. "

Thank you!
  • I'll look at this in the coming days/weeks. thanks for reporting.
  • @lwbaum
    This is an Elsevier journal and the citation style is just a dependent dummy style that links to the elsevier-harvard style.

    It was only giving URL+access dates for the item type webpage. We've added now that blog posts also are outputing those. (the only two item types that could be categorised as "web references".
    However, based on the guidelines, we do not see that URLs should be included for newspaper articles. Unless you provide some real examples where this is done or directly requested from the editors.

    The style will update with the next update of Zotero or you can manually update it within the preferences.
  • @damnation You should also include “post” (used for forum posts, etc.) in your list of web reference types.
  • Interesting.
    I was only ever aware of webpage and post-weblog. That's what a lot of styles usually have set on the conditional to produce the URL+access data. thanks.
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