Best workflow for dealing with cities when using multiple citation styles?
Chicago, APA, and MLA have different standards for dealing with publisher city information - always/sometimes include a state abbreviation for US cities, include/don't include country information for major non-US cities, etc.
Has anyone developed a method for dealing with this in an automated way? Ideally I want to avoid having to manually edit the reference list when changing a draft from one citation style to another.
Has anyone developed a method for dealing with this in an automated way? Ideally I want to avoid having to manually edit the reference list when changing a draft from one citation style to another.
bwiernikIn my experience, publishers don’t really care if you give too much information. I recommend just using City, ST, US or City, Country for everything.
realtime99I'm asking based on an editor's comment, actually.
bwiernikCSL cannot modify the contents of the place field in any way, so there isn't a way to do this other than the edit the items or edit the bibliography manually as a step just before submission.
realtime99OK, thanks.