Does a bibliography auto-update when a citation is edited?
Hello. I have a bibliography in Google Docs that includes some sources that didn't have the correct author information. Since the time that those citations were added to the bibliography, I've updated them in the desktop client with the author name(s). Is there a ways for an existing bibliography to update (either automatically or through some sort of refresh option) when a citation is edited, or does the previous incorrect citation need to be removed and the corrected citation inserted? Thanks in advance for your help!
The bibliography in question is in Google Docs on a Windows computer, but if you have information on similar features in Google Docs on a Mac, or in Word for PC and Mac, that would be great.
The bibliography in question is in Google Docs on a Windows computer, but if you have information on similar features in Google Docs on a Mac, or in Word for PC and Mac, that would be great.
adamsmithAre you using the Zotero add-on for Google docs? If so, there is a "Refresh" option in the add-on menu that does just that. If not, then no, bibliographies once pasted have no connection to Zotero and don't update.
traceyfromkcI am, and I was able to run it. Took much longer than expected, but thank goodness, the edited citations refreshed. Thanks for your help!