Copy citation to clipboard only copying a reference number even when not in docs or word

Hi, when I copy a citation using Cmd-Shift-C or menu item, it simply pastes a number even when I am not in a google doc or word when I instead expected the citation. Is this expected behaviour?
  • That's what you'd expect with a numeric style selected, yes.
  • @adamsmith Cmd+Shift+C should copy the bibliography entry though?
  • I don't think so -- at least on Windows it's ctrl+shift+a for bibliography, ctrl+shift+c for citation. I don't think it's the reverse on Mac.
  • That’s backwards. Ctrl+Shift+C is bibliography.

    There is a bug that occasionally appears where Ctrl+Shift+C copies the citation instead of the bibliography as expected (it’s been reported a few times and I have encountered it, but can’t reproduce it reliably). That might be the case here. The behavior corrects itself on restart.

    @narathc You can ensure you don’t run into that bug by installing the Zutilo plugin and setting another keyboard shortcut for Copy Items to Clipboard (I use Ctrl+C with no Shift).
  • bwiernik -- maybe this changed? It's definitely the way I wrote for me; I double-checked before replying here.
    See screenshot (which is reflected in actual behavior)
  • You must have it customized (or maybe it used to be different years ago), but the current default behavior (and the default since I started using Zotero in 2012) is C for Bibliography and A for Citation:
  • @bwiernik - I realize this is an old thread, but I wanted to follow up on your comment here. I frequently encounter the bug in which Ctrl+Shift+C produces a citation instead of a bibliographic reference. And, as you said, restarting makes the problem go away. I have had this problem on multiple computers. Is there anything I should do next time it happens to provide information to help with debugging?
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