Word 2008 PlugIn is not working - Leaves Office if trying to Add Citation

I just managed to install the Beta 2.0 on my Mac. Since I am using a German Office, I copied all the files to the right directory and now have the Zotero Plugin showing up in Word.

If I try to add a Citation, however, nothing happens to my document. Word minimizes and I am taken to the next open program. Weird, isn't it?

Does anybody have an idea what could be the reason for that?

  • I reinstalled Zotero but it did not help. Has someone an idea? Do you need more information?

    I really need Zotero to be working asap on my Mac!

    Is it a problem with the German version?
  • Ok, now I updated Word as well but it is still not working. Any thoughts?
  • There isn't much to go on here, so I'll throw a bunch of questions at you & perhaps this will help.

    Which version of Word? Has it ever worked for you? Do the OO.o plugins work for you?

    Are you certain that there is not a zotero dialog box that has been minimized or is behind some other window, waiting for your interaction? Whap happens when you expand Word after it minimizes (are there error messages? can you interact with it?)? Have you run the programs with debugging output?
  • Hey noksagt,

    I am using Word 2008, latest version (updated 3 hours ago), German. It never worked on my Mac (but I just got it last week so I am new to the Mac world).
    It always worked on my XP computer w/ Word 2007.

    The Firefox Plugin seems to be working perfectly though. I can import stuff, my database is there, everything's fine it seems.

    What are those 00.o plugins you mentioned?

    I just checked for any dialog box but I couldn't find one anywhere.

    Nothing happens when I expand Word after it minimizes. It doesn't exactly minimize though (it is not like clicking on the yellow button in the left upper corner). The window just goes to the background (I don't know how this is called exactely on a Mac - The window is still on my screen if I switch between applications (that stuff you do when you push F3 on the keyboard (sorry for the missing terminology - I am really new to the Mac))). The interesting thing is that it always goes to the Firefox window afterwards. So if I have several applications open, I always end up in Firefox.

    Yes, I can perfectly interact with Word after it "minimizes".

    I have not run the programs with debugging output. How do I do that?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Basti,
    you are not alone with this problem. In my Institut other Macs with the same configuration does not have this problem, so I do know that it should work. Unfortunately in my case also nothing happens when I try to insert a citation.

    Any hints would be appreciated.


    My System: Word 2008 for Mac 12.1.9
    Plugin 2.0a2
    Mac OS X 10.5.7
    Zotero 2.0b5
    Firefox 3.0.10
    Language: german
  • Ok, I'm just guessing, so beware and backup everything before you try out my suggestions.

    Tip 1) Try to switch the localization to English with this Firefox addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1333. This saved me in other occasions...

    Tip 2) If it doesn't work try updating to Firefox 3.5 (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-beta.html). It is not the final version but close to it since it is a release candidate and I had no problems on my Mac (OS X 10.5.7, Zotero 2.0b5) yet. Though, I can't say if it works for MS Word since I only use OpenOffice 3.1.
  • Hi zaurus,

    thanks for your help, any support is appreciated.

    I've tried both of your suggestions but unfortunately this was not the solution for me. I guess the problem is rather with the Word plug-in than with the Firefox localisiation.

    But at least I have now the new Firefox 3.5 on my Mac to play with.

  • Same here. Tried both solutions but nothing seems to be working.

    Any other ideas? When will the final version for Word 2008 be released?
  • Ok, I just updated to Firefox 3.5 Final. Still nothing new here.

    Does anybody from the developers have an idea? I'd really need to get zotero working again asap!!!

    Thanks a lot
  • Locate your "Microsoft User Data" folder in the Finder. Is it in your "Documents" folder or in "Dokumente"? Or somewhere else?

    Next, open Terminal.app (in your Utilities folder). Depending on where "Microsoft User Data" is located, type the following command:
    cd ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Word\ Script\ Menu\ Items/Zotero/
    cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Word\ Script\ Menu\ Items/Zotero/

    Now type:
    python MacWord.py addCitation

    Let us know what happens.
  • Hey Sean,

    thanks for your help. Unfortunately it does not seem to work. I located my "Microsoft User Data". It is in "Dokumente"/"Microsoft-Benutzerdaten".
    However, if I enter your command (with Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten) I get this:

    bastis-macbook-pro:~ Basti$ cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word\ Script\ Menu\ Items/Zotero
    -bash: cd: /Users/Basti/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word Script Menu Items/Zotero: No such file or directory

    Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

  • edited August 28, 2009
    Same here.

    I've tried this
    cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word\ Script\ Menu\ Items/Zotero
    and this
    cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Word\ Script\ Menu\ Items/Zotero/

    all I got is this:

    -bash: cd: /Users/"username"/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word Script Menu Items/Zotero: No such file or directory

    But I'm glad that I'm not the only one with this Problem.
  • What folders do you see inside when you open up the Microsoft-Benutzerdaten folder from the Finder?
  • Benutzervorlagenordner
    Entorage Script Menue Items
    Entourage Temp
    Excel Script Menue Items
    Office 2004-Identitäten
    Office 2008 AutoRecovery
    Office 2008-Identitäten
    PowerPoint Script Menue Items
    Word Script Menue Items
  • edited July 1, 2009
    Okay, now try the following in Terminal.app:

    [Edited to reflect the correct path]

    cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten\ Script\ Menue\ Items/Zotero/

    Then type:
    python MacWord.py addCitation
  • edited August 28, 2009
    First Line:
    FG1-MacBook-R403:~ "username"$ cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Word\ Script\ Menue\ Items/Zotero/

    -bash: cd: /Users/"username"/Dokumente/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menue Items/Zotero/: No such file or directory

    second Line:
    FG1-MacBook-R403:~ "username"$ python MacWord.py addCitation

    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: can't open file 'MacWord.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
  • Oops, my mistake. Try the following in Terminal.app:

    cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word\ Script\ Menue\ Items/Zotero/

    Then type:
    python MacWord.py addCitation
  • edited August 28, 2009
    Unfortunately the same response

    FG1-MacBook-R403:~ "username"$ cd ~/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word\ Script\ Menue\ Items/Zotero/

    -bash: cd: /Users/"username"/Dokumente/Microsoft-Benutzerdaten/Word Script Menue Items/Zotero/: No such file or directory

    FG1-MacBook-R403:~ "username"$ python MacWord.py addCitation

    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: can't open file 'MacWord.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
  • edited July 1, 2009
    What is inside your "Word Script Menue Items" folder?

    If from inside Microsoft Word you go to "About this menu..." and then "Open Folder" (or its German equivalent) under the AppleScript (scroll) menu, do you wind up at the same "Word Script Menue Items" folder?

    You'll need to make sure that the Zotero folder installed by our Word plugin installer is placed into that first "Word Script Menue Items" folder.
  • Hi Sean,
    in my Word Script Menue Item Folder I find these folders:

    Beispielworkflows für Automator
    Additionaly I have an applescript for paste plain text, which works well

    When I open the Menue in Word from the apple script button I end in the same directory
  • edited July 1, 2009
    Okay, let's try this:

    Open the Word Script Menue Items folder.

    Open Terminal.app

    Type "cd " in Terminal.app, followed by a space and without the quotes.

    Now drag the Zotero folder from the Word Menue Items folder into the Terminal.app window. A file path should appear after the "cd " you already entered.

    Click enter.

    Now try:

    python MacWord.py addCitation
  • edited August 28, 2009
    Ah, thats better

    G1-MacBook-R403:Zotero "username"$ python MacWord.py addCitation

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "MacWord.py", line 45, in <module>
    from appscript import *
    ImportError: No module named appscript
  • edited July 1, 2009
    Is this by any chance a PPC system? If so, you'll need to use the experimental version of the plugin.

    If it's an Intel mac, can you enter the following command in Terminal.app?

    ls /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/

    Please tell us what you see.
  • edited August 28, 2009
    My System: Word 2008 for Mac 12.1.9
    Plugin 2.0a2
    Mac OS X 10.5.7
    Zotero 2.0b5
    Firefox 3.0.10
    Language: german

    Thats whats happening:
    FG1-MacBook-R403:Zotero "username"$ ls /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/

    FG1-MacBook-R403:Zotero "username"$
  • edited July 1, 2009
    Let's try removing the Zotero folder from Word Menue Items (you can put it in the Trash).

    Next try running the plugin installer again, using this version.
  • Once you have rerun the installer, try the ls /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/ command again.
  • And after rerunning the installer, you'll need to again move the installed Zotero folder into the German-specific location.
  • edited August 28, 2009
    removed Zotero folder from word menue
    installed new plugin
    moved zoero folder into the right place, its again in the apple script button

    FG1-MacBook-R403:Zotero "username"$ ls /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/

    FG1-MacBook-R403:Zotero "username"$
  • Great. Does the plugin work now?
  • edited July 1, 2009
    And if not, can you try this again?
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