APA citation like this (Busch 2014: 24)


I want to have this kind of citation style in Zotero, but cannot find it even though it is supposedly APA.

In text it would be like this: (Busch 2014: 24) Author's last name date: page

or in the List of Sources:
Kaesler, Dirk (2000): Max Weber. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie. In: Ders. und Ludgera Vogt (Hg.) (2000): Hauptwerke der Soziologie. Stuttgart. 450-457.

Can anyone help me?
Thank you & cheers
  • This has nothing to do with APA (literally every component of it is different). The exact style isn't going to be available. What is this for? And how exactly do you need it to match?
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