Pb avec notre application bibliotheques.icp.fr, interrogation du catalogue https://ipac.icp.fr/Uport

nous ne pouvons plus sauvegarder les données de notre catalogue dans ZOTERO
Le message d'erreur suivant s'affiche
"une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement avec library catalog (Dynix HIP4)
tentative d'enregistrement en utilisant "save as webpage" à la place"

voici le nom de l'url :

Comment puis-je vous transmettre notre "translator" : Library Catalog (Dynix HIP4) fait par notre société SirsiDynix : fournisseur de notre logiciel ?
  • That's the exact message you're getting?
    "une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement avec library catalog (Dynix HIP4)"

    That would have to be a custom translator you installed locally. Zotero doesn't have (and I don't think ever had) a translator for HIP4. It's probably doable to write one, but library catalog translators tend to be a fair amount of work and we do support summons, which you have as Recherche+, so this would most likely have to come from you or Dynix.
  • Nous travaillons avec "HIP4"
    Je vois que nous ne sommes pas les seuls à vouloir communiquer le "translator" pour HIP4 : "Library Catalog Dynix HIP4"
  • Right, I understand what you are working with, but there appears to be a translator in your Zotero that isn't part of Zotero that's failing for you -- I can't really say much about that; it's not our code and I can't even see the code.

    If you want to contribute the translator code to Zotero, that'd be a standard pull request to the translators github repository (https://github.com/zotero/translators ) but as I understand it, it's not currently working, so that wouldn't help much.
  • J’’obtiens la même chose, en effet.

    J’ai essayé sur nos autres clients HIP4 en 7.5.2 et ça fonctionne pour les autres sauf Amiens.

    J’ai trouvé l’explication en allant dans les modules complémentaires de Firefox et en affichant les préférences (ou options) du connecteur Zotero, rubrique Advanced.

    Pour chaque requête on a le message d’erreur suivant :

    [JavaScript Error: HTTP request to https://uPortal...

    Amiens aussi est en HTTPS, ceux qui fonctionnent sont en HTTP.

    Je ne sais pas d’où provient cette requête http. Il n’y a aucune URL http apparente dans le tranlator Library Catalog (Dynix HIP4).

    Peut-être pourrais-tu demander sur le forum Zotero s’il y a des particularités à mettre en place pour les OPAC HTTPS ?
  • I can only repeat that it appears you're running custom code and it's impossible to troubleshoot that without seeing it. There is no official Zotero translator Library Catalog (Dynix HIP4), so I can't speak to any bugs it has.
  • Can I send you the translator hip4 for validation??? and or adoption??? by zotero.org.
    We don't know how to do. We would like that this translator become 'official translator'
    Thanks in advance
  • Yes, absolutely. You'd make a pull request to this repo on github: https://github.com/zotero/translators

    (For pull requests:
    1. Visit https://github.com/zotero/translators and click the "Create new file" button.
    2. Type in the file name of the translator in the "Name your file..." text field at the top.

    3. Paste the translator code into the "<> Edit new file" tab below.

    4. Click the "Propose new file" button.

    5. In the next window, click the "Create pull request" button. Describe the translator you're submitting, and click the "Create pull request" button once more. )

  • Thank you for your help but it is impossible for me to create a new account

    When I try to create a new account , the system say me :

    "Unable to verify your captcha response. Please visit https://help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-connectivity-problems/#troubleshooting-the-captcha for troubleshooting information. "
  • github is a general code hosting site, not run by Zotero, so you'd need to check with their support, but we really do need a pull request to be able to efficiently review your code.

  • Ok , thanks. I contact the plateform github
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