Correspondences of Zotero rdf and csv fields

Could anyone advise me about the correspondences between the fields of Zotero rdf and Zotero csv? At the moment there are 88 metadata fields in Zotero csv. The names of several fields differ in Zotero csv and rdf. For example, Abstract Note (csv) - abstract (rdf), Place (csv) - locality (rdf), Manual Tags (csv) - subject (rdf). I know that this is not the simple since there are not always one-to-one correspondences. For example, Zotero csv has an Author field, whereas in Zotero rdf the surnames and givennames of the authors are recorded in separate fields. I would need the "official" equivalents of all csv field names in rdf. I imported the metadata of Zotero csv files in a search engine. I'd like to do the same with Zotero rdf files by using the very same field structure (based on Zotero csv field names) in the database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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