installation problem

Downloaded Zotero and am using the set up wizard with Firefox and Word, windows 10. The Next button tells me I have to close Zotero before it can proceed with the installation.

No zoteros are open. How do I close it to proceed with the installation?
  • Have you tried restarting Windows and trying again? That should guarantee that there are no other/conflicting processes
  • p.s. I already have earlier versions of Zotero on my laptop -- but to my knowledge they are not open.
  • I haven't tried re-starting Windows. Will do that and let you know.
  • Thank you adamsmith! Restarted Windows this morning and was able to download the new Zotero and the Firefox connector. see if they will open.. I love it when the solution is so simple. I am not a technie, so appreciate it.
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